Oct 13, 2010

Batch File Save As using Microsoft Office Picture Manager

Tool: Microsoft Office Picture Manager (Office 2007)
OS: Vista Basic

Microsoft Ofice Picture Manager is a handy tool if we need to convert multiple image files from one image type to another. In this case, we are going to convert .bmp files to .gif files.

I have opened my Microsoft Office Picture Manager and go to Thumbnail View (1) where we can see all our image files in the folder. Now select the files that you want to save as. Currently all my files in the folder are .bmp. They are too large to upload to a website, so I decided to convert them into .gif files.

With the selected files, now open File, Export…Now you will see the Export Task Pane (2). At the Export with this file format (3) section, choose the desired image file type. For me, I choose .gif. If you want, you can also resize the image using Export using this size (4) combo box and select the pre-configured image size. Since I want the image size is exactly the same as the original, I don’t need to change it.