Aug 16, 2010

Spiceworks cannot scan Vista Computers

Tested on Vista Basic and Vista Business.

When you tried to scan your network for Vista machines and get scan error (check account, password or WMI configuration), even though you already use the correct Login and Password to the Vista machine. Below article might help you to solve your problem.

Disable UAC Filter for Remote Login
In Vista machine, by default the UAC is on. Actually you can disable the UAC and problem solved. But if you don’t want to turn UAC off, and still want Spiceworks be able to scan your Vista machine, you only need to disable the UAC only for Remote Login.
These steps below requires you to modify the Windows Registry. So make sure you have backup… just in case.
Now, run Regedit.exe and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system
  1. Right Click on the right window, New, DWORD (32-bit) Value
  2. Change the name to LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
  3. Double-click the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and put 1 in the Value data. Click OK.

Now try again to scan your Vista machine using Spiceworks, if you see the “Test Passed” message, that means the problem solved.

Note: If you get another error message, like “Check firewall”, that means the firewall is blocking the connection. Below are some exceptions to be configured in the Windows Firewall.
Check Windows Firewall
Go to Windows Firewall settings, Exceptions tab. Scroll until you found:
  1. Remote Administration, give check mark.
  2. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), give check mark.
  3. Click OK.

Done. Thank you for visiting!


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